Call for Financial Consultant: Financial Management Training for Clam Producers and Processors

Call for Financial Consultant: Financial Management Training for Clam Producers and Processors


Hεn Mpoano, in partnership with the Environmental Justice Foundation and CEWEFIA, is implementing a 3-year Sustainable Ocean Project (SOP) funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The project aims to build grassroots capacity for a sustainable ocean economy in Ghana through inclusive, strong and effective capacity building, planning and management of coastal ecosystems.

One of the project’s specific objectives is to improve income resilience of fishing communities to climate and resource declines through enhanced opportunities in supply chains and enterprise development. To achieve this, the project seeks to build the capacity of clam producers and processors in financial management skills.

Purpose of the Assignment:

The purpose is to train clam harvesters and processors in financial management skills to promote their businesses amid declining income levels due to climate change impact on clam populations.

Specific Tasks:

– Develop a financial management training manual tailored to the needs of clam entrepreneurs

– Train clam harvesters and processors in bookkeeping, cash control, pricing, marketing, and financial statements preparation.

– Train clam harvesters and processors in cash flow preparation, management, projections, profits & loss, and risk management.

Expected Outputs/Deliverables:

– Animated financial management training manual

– Training report


The consultant would employ participatory and interactive training methods, including theoretical and practical hands-on sessions. Close collaboration with the project team and key stakeholders is expected.
Hen Mpoano will cover logistical expenses in relation to organization of the training.

Assignment Location:

Big Ada, Greater Accra region.

Time frame:

The consultant will use one week for preparation and 8 days for the training of four groups with two-day sessions each starting from 13th October, 2024.

The consultancy will cover a period of 15 days starting from 2nd September, 2024.
The training will involve 200 clam harvesters and processors and would span for 8 days.
The participants will be divided into 4 groups and each group will go through two-days training sessions.
The details of the training are as follows:

Preparation of training manual and other logistics – 3 days

Training of clam harvesters and processors- 8 days

Development of training report – 4 days

Deadline for applications :

9th  August 2024.

Application Process:

Interested and qualified consultants are requested to submit the following documents with the subject; CONSULTANCY TO OFFER TRAINING IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TO CLAM PRODUCERS AND PROCESSORS via email to;

  • An updated CV or profile with at least two (2) referees.
  • A detailed comprehension narrative of the proposal; inclusion of Methodology and approach to complete the assignment is a requirement.

Note: For further details, kindly contact us through the following contact points below. / 054 766 0470

Previous Call for Consultant: Design and Construction of Depuration Systems

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38 J. Cross Cole Street, Windy Ridge Extension, Takoradi.

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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